I think that it is all too easy to forget who you are. Whose you are. And what you have. Something that should be permanently ingrained on our hearts is something that we sometimes go days without even acknowledging. Why?? And why is it that it is so easy to remember the times we've failed, our life's valleys, our moments of greatest need, but when we are asked to make a list of our greatest accomplishments, we stare at a blank piece of paper like we have forgotten how to write. Who told us to think this way? Who taught us to be insecure?? Why, sometimes, are our greatest battles fought against ourselves?...
We all have a crack in us. A small splinter in our beings. A tiny mouse, that if fed, can grow into an elephant of doubt. Don't feed your mouse.
I heard a cool story once about a young boy and his wise old Cherokee grandfather. The grandfather told his grandson "My son, there is a battle between two wolves inside us all. One is evil. It is anger, jealousy, greed, resentment, inferiority, lies, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, humility, kindness, empathy, and truth. " The boy thought about it and asked, "Grandfather, which wolf wins?" The old man quietly replied
"The one you feed."
I think that every one of us, as believers, has an internal battle to face every day. It is a daily choice between falling into the trap of the lies of the world, or listening intently to God's words of peace in our lives. Constantly knocking ourselves down, or listening to His quiet Words of affirmation.
Too often we think "Oh, but my gift isn't important." Or, "Oh, but his gift is so much more useful than mine." These are lies. Straight up. Lies that Satan puts into our heads to make us feel like we aren't worthy of love. Aren't welcomed as a part of the Kingdom of God. Aren't worth dying for. 1 Timothy 4:14 says "Do not neglect the gift that is in You..." Have you ever thought that when we insult ourselves, we are essentially insulting God? We are telling Him that the way He made us (and that way is absolutely PERFECT, I might add), isn't good enough for our standards. Our worldly standards. Next time you look in the mirror and tell yourself you aren't good enough, imagine looking into the eyes of our Creator, and telling Him you aren't good enough. Ouch.
So start believing the truth. Choose to throw away the lies, and rejoice every day in the person God has made you to be. A person who has a capability to praise Him like no one else in this entire world can. Choose to trust Him, and choose to obey. Choose righteousness.
Isaiah 32:17-
"The result of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quiet confidence forever."
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